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DIY Birth Photography Tips - When Your Birth Photographer Can't Be With you.

To the mom who was planning to have her birth story documented but now can’t because of the COVID-19 virus - I’m so sorry.

I’m grieving with you. 💔

Your baby’s birthday should be filled with joy and beautiful memories to look back on forever - which is why you hired a birth photographer in the first place. But now you’re in a situation where you have to make some really hard choices about who you bring into your birth space. And understandably, your birth photographer may not make the cut.

Your photographer might not be allowed to be there with you to capture professional images, but I can give you some pointers for taking great images yourself. If your partner or other support person is able to take pictures during your birth, they can definitely use these tips. Or you can use them yourself to take pictures of your baby once they arrive.


During the day, use natural light as much as possible with all other lights turned off. Artificial light will usually cast a yellow tint in your images. For pictures of baby, move the bassinet close to a window, parallel to and face towards the window for best lighting on baby’s face. Make sure you aren’t casting a shadow on baby.

If natural light is not available during birth, use whatever light you have available, with flash as a last resort (as long as mom is okay with it). You can use the Lightroom App to correct some of the color issues afterwards (more on this later).

Angles and positioning: Think above and down rather than below and up for flattering angles of both mom and baby. Move around the room to capture images from different angles - close up to show detail and far away to capture more of the scene.

Remember to take pictures of both the big moments and the little details. Take photos during and between contractions, mom’s reaction to meeting baby for the first time, cutting the cord. Grab little details like the hospital room number, weather that day, feet, toes, hands, hospital bracelet.

Take pictures that capture connection and baby’s size. Pose ideas are mom’s forehead to baby’s forehead, close up of holding baby’s hands and/or feet, kisses on top of head, mom and baby looking at each other.

BONUS: If you have the Lightroom app on your phone, you can edit the images to brighten them up, correct any weird color cast, and make them your own! I will be posting more about how to do this soon, so stay tuned!

I can also help with editing the images you take! Feel free to reach out if that's something you would find helpful.

I wish you ALL the best in your upcoming birth! You GOT this, and remember to capture the joy! 👶

Also, the out-of-hospital model call is still on! So far myself and my family are symptom-free, and practicing social distancing. Therefore I am still accepting applications for out-of-hospital birth! If you are one of the many moms who are considering an out-of-hospital birth due to COVID-19 (or out of hospital was your plan all along) then you still have time to apply!! Applications are closing on April 4. You can get all the details and apply here

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